“Logistics network and variety in Asian context: Globalization and localization” (IRG-32-2017; representative: Prof. Hyodo, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology)
Until now, “International, Inter-regional, and City Logistics Research Group in Wide Variety of Asian Region” (IRG-02-2005, representative: Prof. Fwa from National University of Singapore) had actively promoted various logistics researches in Eastern Asia for six years. During activity period, two international conferences on transport and logistics (TLOG 2007 and TLOG 2010), two international logistics research seminars in 2006 and 2008, and IRG special sessions for each EASTS conference (i.e. three times) had been organized. In addition, two workshops in Japan on transport statistics in East Asian countries had been co-organized with Japanese government. Throughout these activities, so many academic researches as well as practical reports on logistics field including international, inter-regional, and city logistics had been presented and intercommunication among researchers and practitioners in logistics field in Eastern Asia had been strengthened. For example, this old IRG was considered contributing to increase the number of researches and reports on statistics and cross-border transport, not only policy simulation and model development, compared than that before the IRG started.

On the other hand, interdependency in economics and supply chain among
East Asian countries has accelerated with advancement of globalization
in recent years, and more intelligent management in logistics field is
asked in various aspects. In addition, East Japan Earthquake makes us aware
of importance of risk management in logistics again, from various viewpoints
such as information sharing, balance of normal management and preparation
against disaster, and international and inter-organizational corporation.
Therefore, the missions of this ‘new IRG’ are; 1) to organize international
conference (TLOG) and seminars as well as special session in each EASTS
conference, in order to give chances for presentation of researches and
practical cases in logistics field, and to promote intercommunication among
researchers and practitioners, similarly to the old IRG; and 2) additionally
to focus in recent topics described above resulting in making report or
other publication. Also similar to the old IRG, two sub-groups “International
and Inter-Regional Logistics Group” and “City Logistics Group” are organized
under the new IRG.